NEWS – September 2021
The Adventure Begins Here
2nd Ballynahinch Boys’ Brigade Company officially recommenced on Monday evening after an 18-month absence. Company Captain Mark Bell has called on all boys to join the adventure. Mark said, “Today we are passionate about building bridges into local communities and engaging boys & young men (Primary 1 – Year 14) by means of weekly groups, special events, local district and province wide competitions, community involvement and training programmes. The Boys’ Brigade offers an experience of life beyond what is possible in school or at home. We believe that by participating in exciting activities, making new friends, having fun and finding out about faith, our boys can discover and develop their potential.”
The 2nd Ballynahinch Company meets at the Congregational Church Halls, 11 Dromore Road on Monday evenings between September and Easter, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm.
We have some spaces available for new members in all three sections so please get in touch if you would like more information about joining us via the 2nd Ballynahinch Boys’ Brigade Facebook page. This page will also provide you with further information on our Company and keep you up to date with our latest news.
2nd Ballynahinch Boys Brigade Major Awards Night
As a Boys’ Brigade Company we are very proud that four of our boys have successfully achieved the highest level of award in the Boys’ Brigade. They are James Long, Jonathan Shannon, James Douglas and Daniel McKibben. Their success was officially marked in Ballynahinch Congregational Church at the Company’s Awards evening held earlier this month. It was fantastic that we were able to hold a socially distanced Awards Night for these young men and their families, to mark these major achievements within the company and celebrate the boys’ hard work.
Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth 2 is the patron of the Boys’ Bridge and the Queen’s Badge is the highest award that may be gained by a member. It aims to challenge and equip these young people and provide them with lots of new opportunities. The Queen’s Badge offers the chance to engage with the local community, take on responsibility, set personal goals, build self-confidence and experience a sense of achievement.
Despite our company not being able to meet last season for face – to – face activities, it still brought much achievement. As well as our four Queen’s men, we were delighted that three of our Company Section boys were able to work through the modules and successfully achieve their President’s Badge Award. They are Jake Hamilton, Matthew Douglas and Jake McCarten. The President’s Badge is the second highest award which can be gained by the boys within The Boys’ Brigade.
Many congratulations to all seven boys!
Queen’s Men from left to right: Daniel McKibben, Jonathan Shannon, James Douglas and James Long.
President’s Badge award achiever Jake Hamilton and mother.
President’s Badge award achiever Jake McCarten and mother.
President’s Badge award achiever Matthew Douglas and mother.